Lori's Lunch & Learn with Oil Painters of America
"Join Lori McNee, OPA for Oil Painters of America Lunch and Learn. Lori will be demonstrating how to complete an oil painting using indirect methods and fun techniques including deconstruction, glazing, and mixed media mark-making. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced painter, you will leave with new insights and techniques to enhance your oil painting practice.”
How to Paint Believable Snowflakes
‘Tis the season for painting snowflakes! It's easy to paint believable snowflakes. Recently, I posted an Instagram Reel and I thought my readers might enjoy this simple demo below as well. Read on to find out how!❄️
The inspiration for the painting, "Let it Snow" came from a photo I took of a blizzard on the Big Wood River in Sun Valley, Idaho.
- First I painted the landscape without any snowflakes.
- With the winter landscape painting still wet, I painted the snowflakes.
- I used my trusty Seneca #2 Round brush for the perfect snowmaking marks. ⛄️
- I painted with solvent-free, water-mixable Cobra oil paint by Royal Talens. (I love these professional paints! They clean up with soap and water!)
- Then I mixed up titanium white and added a teeny speck of cadmium orange in the lighter areas
- For the snowflakes in the darker areas, I added a touch of ultramarine blue to that mixture ❄️
- I softened some of the snowflakes to give some depth and perspective. I also blurred some to suggest movement.
Here's the finished painting and the demo is below. I hope this post inspires you to try and paint believable snowflakes.
*The same tips will work for acrylic painters too. Although you will have to work more quickly and use a squirt bottle to keep the paints from drying too quickly. :)
Happy Holidays and enjoy!
(Be sure and watch the Instagram Reel below to see my snowflake demo...)
PS. For more great tips, check out Lori's online courses at Lori's Fine Art Tips School!
Glazing And Cold Wax Oil Medium Painting Techniques
In this informative video demonstration, artist Pierre Giroux demonstrates how-to enhance your underpainting by using glazing and cold wax medium techniques.
Glazing and cold wax medium adds texture and visual depth to oil paintings. I have been exploring the use of cold wax medium and love it! I hope you enjoy this video...
If you found this video helpful, you might like some of my own instructional painting videos too.
You can see more art on my website, LoriMcNee.com, and let’s meet on Facebook Fine Art Tips Facebook Fan Page, on Twitter, Google Plus and on Pinterest. Be sure and check out and my fine art prints and notecards on Fine Art America.! ~Lori