Simplify Outdoor Landscape Painting with Lori McNee
Visit beautiful Sun Valley, Idaho with a fun two-day outdoor landscape painting workshop. Kneeland Gallery presents, “Simplify Outdoor Landscape Painting with Lori McNee.”
Sun Valley is the perfect setting for outdoor landscape painting (aka. plein air painting). Voted North America’s #1 Resort Three Years in a Row, Sun Valley is also home to Lori McNee!
Reserve your spot! Call Kneeland Gallery >>> (208)726-5512
Hosted by Kneeland Gallery, this year’s workshop will be sponsored by Royal Talens North America! Since 1899, royal Talens has been known for quality fine art brands such as Cobra, Amsterdam, Van Gogh, Rembrandt, Bruynzeel, and more.
Lori’s workshop on July 31-August 1 sets the stage for Kneeland Gallery’s annual plein air paint-out and exhibition on August 2-4, where nationally acclaimed artists gather and paint. It’s a perfect opportunity to watch top artists in the field and sharpen your painting skills.

The Details:
- Sponsored by Royal Talens North America!
- We will be painting beautiful Rocky Mountain landscapes in nearby locations.
- We will visit Lori’s Ketchum/Sun Valley home studio!
- We will visit Kneeland Gallery to view and discuss the new plein-air paintings by Nationally renowned artists!
- Discover Lori’s simple approach to painting the landscape using a limited palette.
- $325 per person
- Open to ALL LEVELS
- For oil painters and gouache painters.
- More details coming soon!
Reserve your spot! Call Kneeland Gallery to SIGN UP>>> (208)726-5512