Lori McNee Painting Workshop Supply List

South Africa Plein Air Painting Safari workshop! The following information in…

Memories of Giverny and Painting in Monet's Garden

(*Join me in Monet's Garden for my "Spectacular Autumn" workshop in Giverny,…

Using Japanese Notan Design Principles For Plein Air Painting

Notan, a term derived from the Japanese language, literally means "light-dark…

How To Create Mood in Landscape Painting

Like playing high or low notes on a piano, artists can 'key' their colors to…

Winning Tips to Plein Air Painting the Live Model Outdoors

Plein air painting with a human subject that tells a story can be a challenge,…

A Portrait Painting Palette System that Works

Portrait painters want to capture the likeness of their unique subjects with…

The Importance Of Using Neutrals In Art

by Brandon Shaefer Neutrals are any set of tones created when mixing two…

Handy Artist Palettes by New Wave

My friends at New Wave Fine Art Products, makers of handcrafted artist…

How to Steal A Van Gogh Idea For Your Own Portrait Painting

When it comes to color, we can certainly learn, or even better, steal from the…

Enjoying My Artist Palette By New Wave

Since college, I haven't painted with a handheld artist palette. In the past,…