It’s not unusual for artists to become frustrated when  struggling with a painting or another form of creation.
This feeling is commonly known as artistic temperament.
I certainly have had days where I allow my painting frustrations to ruin a good day. Â
Notice the word – allow?
Yes, we actually let or allow ourselves to get upset. Now, that statement may have upset you, but think about it.  We do have control over our own thoughts and how we react to things.
Here are some ways to deflect the oncoming feelings of artistic temperament:
Here are some easy anti-stress tips:
- Take time to get some fresh air. The sun and air do wonders for an artist who spends her/his time in a stuffy, fume-filled studio.
- Meditate
- Listen to calming music.
- Take a coffee break (decaf if you are battling stress) A fifteen minute break can give you a fresh perspective.
- Go to the gym.
- Or…( and I like this one) go to your art supply store and treat yourself to some new brushes! Happy brushes help to make happy painting time.
- Check your work habits!
- Catch up on the business side of your art. Getting some of that out of the way always makes me feel better. Clean your studio or catch up on laundry, dishes, paperwork.
- Clean your studio…yes, here it is again. A cluttered studio leads to a cluttered mind.
- Take a day off!!! Maybe you are working too hard. It is ok to take a day for yourself.
- Go run some errands.
- Call or visit with some fellow artists. Misery loves company!
- Put the trouble painting away for a few days. Turn it to the wall and don’t look at it!
- Watch an instructional video.
- Look through inspiring art books of your favorite painters.
- Browse the web.
I could keep going, but you get the general idea. Â Personally, I like to exercise each day. IÂ also listen to classical music and I generally have a small fountain flowing. Â Chocolate helps too!
You may also enjoy reading:
Feeling Unproductive in the Studio or Office? How to Combat Spring Fever
Go ‘Green Clean’ – Purify the Air in Your Studio or Office with House Plants!
How to Choose the Right Paint Brush for the Art Technique
Water Soluble Oils: Facts, Tips & Why I Use Them
A Study in Complimentary Colors using Yin Yang
Turn an Altoid Box into a Mini Watercolor Set
Palette Tips: How to Organize Your Paints
Hi Lori,
Great reminders that as artists we sometimes get so absorbed in our work that we forget to take a break…and that taking a break is healthy and may help us resolve any problems we’re encountering in the studio.
O, yes, I certainly know the feeling… but music helps me trough it. And don’t forget the food, especially chocolate can make a huge difference *wink*
Your site is really nice, I found it through Twitter and added you to my favourites. Keep up the great work!
All the best from the Netherlands, x Martine
Very good article, Lori, totally in agreement. They are a few very guessed right councils
thanks Lori!! this is such a great reminder ~ thank you for sharing your list. I have one similar written in my sketchbook…I call it my “in case of emergency” list 🙂
I enjoy your information so much, because I am a fairly new painter(4 yrs), it is all a big help. I have come to find that if I am not ‘FEELING’ the painting…to NOT paint at that moment. I have messed up two that I should have walked away from for the day. One I finished and the other still waiting patiently for me to fix/finish it. 🙂 I am going to definitely go over your list next time I attempt to work on my paintings. I’m glad I picked your site, which I found on Twitter…you’re a great teacher of techniques and of other info!!! You’re a faav! Nancy in North Carolina
Great information Lori. Yes, been there, a few times. When I am having problems with a design concept or my writing, I take a few deep cleansing breaths and mediate. Then I take a walk, fresh air is great it clears the mind. Then when I come back, I sit in my favorite chair, usually the cat will sit with me and I find his deep purrs relaxing. I will take my sketch book, or my idea book as I call it, and just start sketching, or, if ideas come for my writing I write them down to come back to later. Usually, I then can go back to my drawing table and continue to work.
Good tips. 🙂
Glad the link to this post was repeated. The advice is spot-on.
Thanks Brad! I am glad you enjoyed this article. Often times I write these ideas to help myself as well as others. This post was one of those…
Hope to see you here again – Lori 🙂
Such great advice. I was taking a break after a long day of frustration with my Wacom and then my Cintiq, doing the very last thing on your list – browsing the web – when I came across this post.
Great seeing you here. I am so glad this post resinated with you. I have had days like that too, thus the reason why I wrote the article! It’s good to know you found this site by browsing.
Happy creating-
Lori 🙂
Good tips, Lori. But I have to say that when I get frustrated with a painting and go to do something else and ended up not painting much that day, I am just as frustrated and upset with myself, too.
Yes we are all so hard on ourselves! But, I think that is what keeps us coming back for more. We don’t give up and we expect improvement – and finally, it comes. Thanks Lucy!
Good Morning
Love your art work
Finally someone can teach color and how to apply
I will apply Van Gogh colors to my portrait
Thanks so much Painted Lady Vivian
Painted Lady is a butterfly
Have a good day Vivian
Thank you Vivian. I appreciate your comment and thoughts…
Good Morning Love your art work finally someone can teach color and how to apply I will apply
Van Gogh colors to my portraits Thanks so much Painted Lady (painted lady is a butterfly
Have a good day Vivian Alberta Canada