Announcing! Autumn Plein Air Painting & Social Media Workshop with Lori McNee
October 3, 4, 5, 2012 (9AM – 4PM daily)
Location: Sun Valley, Idaho
Sponsored by Fine Art Tips and Royal Talens
*This workshop is limited to 12 people worldwide. Normally this workshop would cost $450, but because of the short notice this workshop is only $350
Join internationally acclaimed artist, Lori McNee for a special 3-day plein air landscape painting workshop. Using her art studio as home-base, paint on location with Lori in beautiful Sun Valley, Idaho, and discover why Ernest Hemingway loved it here…
On a warm autumn day in 1939, Ernest Hemingway stood in the Sun Valley Cemetery and methodically read aloud a eulogy for his friend, a publicist for the Sun Valley Resort. Many believed this to be one of Hemingway’s finest works of prose.
“He loved the warm sun of summer and the high mountain meadows, the trails through the timber and the sudden clear blue of the lakes. He loved the hills in the winter when the snow comes,” Hemingway said. “Best of all he loved the fall … the fall with the tawny and grey, the leaves yellow on the cottonwoods, leaves floating on the trout streams and above the hills the high blue windless skies. He loved to shoot, he loved to ride and he loved to fish.”
Much like the alps, Sun Valley, Idaho is nestled below its famous ski mountain, Bald Mountain. In October, the days are warm, nights are cool, it’s our favorite time of year. To read more about autumn in Sun Valley, please read Sunset Magazine’s article, “Sun Valley’s Golden Season”.
Surrounded by magical autumn colors and fellow artists, this informative workshop will balance classroom instruction, painting in the field, demonstrations, personalized critiques, and as a bonus, Lori will share her social media secrets.

You will learn:
- How to compose and design a successful outdoor painting
- The importance of value and tone
- How to use warm and cool colors to strengthen your paintings
- The importance of edges
- How to mix believable landscape color, and greens!
- How to add light and atmosphere to your paintings
- Some mixed media techniques
- How to use your plein air study and reference photos to create a successful studio landscape painting.
- Tips to use water-soluble Cobra oil paints by Royal Talens (Lori is a proud ambassador for Royal Talens worldwide)
…and much more!
During this workshop, Lori will teach you her social media branding and marketing tips! Lori is one of the Top 100 Women on Twitter, and the top working-artist in social media. She was named a TwitterPowerhouse by The Huffington Post, has been a talk show host for Plum TV, featured in the Wall Street Journal, many art magazines, and has written for publications including Artist’s Magazine, Artist’s & Graphic Designer’s Market, Photographer’s Market, and Zero to 100,000: Social Media Tips & Tricks for Small Businesses.
You will learn:
- How to drive traffic to your website or blog
- The benefits of using social media
- How tweet and what to tweet
- How to effectively use Facebook to boost your art business
- Branding and marketing tips using Youtube, Google Plus, Pinterest
- Blogging tips for artists
…and much more!
This workshop is open to painters of all levels. Oil paint, or water-soluble oil paint is recommended, but acrylic is acceptable. I will be sending a supply list.
*This workshop is limited to 12 people worldwide. Normally this workshop would cost $450, but because of the short notice this workshop is only $350.
Sign Up Below: If you are interested in taking your art and art business to the next level, sign up now by clicking the BUY IT NOW button. Or, mail a money order or cashier’s check for the amount of $350 to…Lori McNee artist, PO Box 10098, Ketchum, ID 8334o
Accommodations: There are many lodging choices, but I do have a block of rooms reserved at the Best Western Tyrolean Lodge:
Queen non smoking room @ $89.00 per night plus 10% tax
Double Queen Room contains 2 queen beds in room @ $99.00 per night plus 10% tax
Click here for more lodging options.
Got questions? Email Lori,
Hope to see you there,
Lori 🙂
Hi Lori.
I just found your information about the fall workshop, and it is now November 🙁
Do you have more workshops planned? And,…are men invited? I noticed all the artists in the photo are women, so not sure a guy like me should apply. (Hope you can sense the humor I’m attempting here).
Thanks for doing what you are doing!
Dale Strong.
Hello Dale,
I’d love to have a ‘guy’ join our class sometime! I am teaching a still life workshop through the Sun Valley Center for the Arts & Humanities in January. But, you probably would like the plein air class…I will keep you posted. I hope to do another one in June.
Thanks so much!
Hi Lori,
I am new to painting but have found your website so enjoyable and helpful in so many ways! Thank you for the time you put into teaching others and for the generous spirit you do it with! Are you planning to do any workshops in 2013? I would love to attend if you are! Thank you again! Roxanne
HI Roxanne, thanks so much for the nice comment. I am so glad you are finding this site helpful to you. I will not be teaching anymore workshops until 2014. I will make announcements and hope you can join us then. cheers, Lori
I hope that I can one day come to one of your plein air workshops in the future – I will have to save up for sure. I feel I have a lot to learn. I don’t have any experience with oils though, so I’d have to give those a go first for a while I think.
That would be great Brandon. Hope we can make that happen someday. I need to work on my 2014 schedule soon!
Hi Lori,
Hoping to join you for a plein air workshop this year, especially if in Sun Valley!
Please send info on your schedule, thanks.
Hello Debbie, I am not sure of my schedule yet. Please sign up for my newsletter so you wont miss the announcement. I hope to meet you here! 🙂