Each day, as part of my art blogging and painting routine, I either go to the gym, hike a big mountain, ski down a mountain, or jog with my dogs. So, why have my jeans been getting tighter and tighter on me lately?
Please pardon my French, but I just realized that I am in the beginning stages of the dreaded blogger’s butt!
Once referred to as ‘secretary’s seat’, blogger’s butt is much less prejudice as it does not discriminate against gender, sexual orientation, race or religion. All it needs is a sedentary seat in which to grow!
The Urban Dictionary defines blogger’s butt as, Weight gain in the gluteal region which is directly related to spending large amounts of time blogging.
But is gets worse! According to Mashable.com, if you’re reading this, chances are you’re sitting down, which means you’re probably digging yourself an early grave (see the infographics below)! Modern people have something in common: we sit all the time. Computer-based work has done great things for productivity, but it has done terrible things for our health and waist lines.
In my past life, I use to be a personal trainer and an aerobics instructor and exercise is still an important part of my daily routine. I like to live a healthy life and take time to clear my head before I get to my easel or computer. Nevertheless, after reading the infographics at the end of this post, I was convinced that exercise just isn’t enough!
Here’s how I am combating blogger’s butt and more:
- Aside from abandoning this blog as a second career (being an artist is number one), I decided that the best solution to my ‘problem’ is a stand-up desk. So, I got on the Internet and researched the different options. There are many different styles from which to choose, but my favorite one adjusts in height.
- For a reasonable $99.95 with free shipping, I bought the Aidata PopDesk. It has a single lever that adjusts the desk on a gas cylinder pole from 28″ to 38″ H (so you can sit or stand). It was easy to assemble and seems sturdy enough for me to lean on when I start feeling tired from standing – lol! In fact, I am blogging on it right now for the first time.
- The next best thing to standing, is sitting on a resistance ball. My good friend and Twitter’s favorite exercise guru, Joyce Cherrier wrote an article for us, “The Healthy Artist, Tips to Stay that Way”. Joyce says, “One of the best ways to get in movement throughout your day while sitting is sitting on a resistance ball. Constantly readjusting to keep yourself balanced on the ball, the muscles of the core, pelvis, hips, and legs are being engaged. Many people report they have reduced back pain too.”
- Yes, I will sit some each day while I paint and blog. But, I will interrupt that sitting whenever I can. It is best to take micro-breaks and walk around every half hour. Try a little stretching and lunging.
- If I am stuck in a chair, I like to do some airplane exercises. Knee raises, ankle rotations, knees to chest, point and flex toes, back arch…etc.
- Oh, and I just bought a pair of ‘Shape-up’ Sketchers (fitness sneakers) that I wear during the day while I stand and walk around. “Get is shape without setting foot in a gym…” ~Sketchers.

Now that you are aware of the hazards of sitting and blogging, please blog responsibly. ~Lori 😉
PS. I’d love to hear what YOU think….oh, and I hope to meet you on Facebook and Twitter!
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Lori, this is such a great post. As a former Olympic level coach and athletic trainer, I worry about what I call “flatass” (a much less delicate name than blogger’s butt, but one that I’m feeling…literally and figuratively, haha!)
This is a great reminder to get up and go. I keep a kettleball in my office, and ensure I’m up and moving every 30 minutes, but the days are still very long when blogging, and sitting for days on end, even with breaks in between, are not only bad for the butt, but for general health as well. Ah, there is always a downside to the things we love to do:)
Intrigued by the Aidata pop desk: going to check that out. Cheers! Kaarina
Hello Kaarina and thanks for stopping by and commenting. Wow, and Olympic level coach…what sport? I had fun visiting your great blog, that I can tell is probably keeping on your ‘bottom’ more than your feet these days. I think you will like that pop up desk, the price is affordable and it works!
Let me know how it goes…happy blogging! ~Lori 🙂
Thank you for this superb post. Today was my photo editing and blog day…so I was sitting comfortably on my couch with my laptop…but when I read your post…I just jumped out and put my laptop on my kitchen bar top…(can’t wait for the pop up desk) and have been standing and moving for the past 5 hrs…I feel absolutely good…
Haha! I should have gotten royalties for that little pop-up desk! So far, I really like it and the price is right.
I have already noticed a difference from standing over the past week, rather than sitting. I feel better too.
Happy blogging-
Hi Lori,
I sit WAY too much, too. I used to be an Exec Chef and walk all day long from 6 in the morning to midnight, always on my feet and gained quite some weight with the change of painting and blogging.. and as described above, exercise doesn’t really help much to get rid of that stubborn stuff around my hips.
So I definitely have to make some changes here, thanks for the post 🙂
Franziska San Pedro
The Abstract Impressionist Artress
Hi Franziska,
That is funny…I would think you would have gained weight from being a Chef!
Glad this post helped you.
Happy painting-
Very amusing post. From now on, I’m going to work at my computer standing up 🙂
So far, standing up is working well for me! Thanks for the comment Stephanie.
Lori, I’ve been using a resistance ball for a while for a percentage of time at my computer. While it was much easier to balance on than I originally thought, there are a couple things to keep in mind that I have discovered.
It does help my back and neck more than a normal chair for longer sessions at the keyboard. ( I have cervical/spinal issues)
It is not good for using if you are wearing shorts or work in a warm environment for long periods of time (legs stick).
If you wear a lot of skirts or are very modest, it is kind of tricky & unlady-like getting on the ball, esp. if you don’t work alone and scooting to get closer to the desk is a learned skill.
If you move around a lot on a long desk like I do, from place to place, it is quite a challenge to move on one of these – one place computing is much easier.
My legs are getting stronger the more I use it.
Don’t get rid of your chair completely until you know you love it for sure, I still switch back and forth a lot.
Make sure you have enough room for the ball in your working area, they take up a LOT of space – more than a chair. And keeping a ball and a chair makes this even more impt.
If you have “office animals”, let them acclimate to the ball slowly and when you’re inflating it, don’t be silly and blow air on them for fun from the pump like I did. My feet-clinging dogs still keep their distance, LOL
I do really love having it despite all these things. My back and neck especially!
Alissa Fereday
Hi Alissa-
I am so behind on answering comments! Thanks for your thoughts here… My German Shepherd pup just popped my ball last night – lol! I am enjoying standing, but I do miss my ball. Thanks for the warning tips for using a ball too…they are true and funny.
Lori, thanks for the health warnings associated with sitting too much. Like you, I have to break up my day with a walk through the woods by myself or with my wife. I’m really fortunate to have two dogs who remind me everyday to put down the computer or the brush and get outside. The spiritual and creative benefits of walking are undeniable. So many great ideas and inspirations come to me and problems are truly solved while hiking. Thanks for the inspiration.
Hello Michael, I am late in catching up on comments! I love your thoughts and feel the same way about hiking. I am lucky to live where I can easily escape into the wilderness for a quick break.
Thank you for the inspiration too!
I went right out and bought another exercise ball for my desk. I had to buy the anti-pop one because my cat decimated the old one.
Thanks for mentioning the anti-pop ball because my dog just popped my second ball the other night!!! I wasn’t going to waste another $40 until you mentioned the anti-pop ball. Any suggestions of where to buy one?
Thanks Alina-
Thanks for posting this! I’ve been looking for a stand-up desk and have taken to using my kitchen bar from time to time, but this is a great resource.
Sadly, the exercise ball behind my chair hasn’t been used too much lately – it needs some air, but then it should be ready to go.
Hi Alyson-
My dog just popped my ball the other night, so I have been standing up and blogging each day – lol! I heard there is a non-pop ball, so I plan to buy one of those. I really like this desk and the price is right! Let me know how it works for you. My jeans already feel better on me again…haha.
Lori 🙂
Great topic! Since I began blogging a few months ago I have noticed that between my day job and the blogging at night, I am on my butt all the time. You have some great ideas in there, as do many who commented. I like the idea of keeping a kettlebell around. Happy blogging!
Thanks for stopping by and enjoying this blog post. It has been an eye opener for a lot of us!
Happy blogging!