At first glance, my latest painting depicts a beautiful peacock and some impressionistic lotus flowers.
Upon further examination the view will realize the painting has been executed in an etherial, almost magical manner. Oftentimes my paintings have a deeper meaning…

For instance, the peacock is a symbol of beauty and has great importance in many cultures. It represents the rays of the sun and the beginning of the new day, thus symbolizing new beginnings and eternal life.
The lotus flower also holds great symbolic weight among many cultures. This delicate flower rises out of the muck and mire and reminds us we can rise above our challenges and circumstances. It represents awakening, potential, self-regeneration and rebirth.
For me, this was the perfect painting subject to start off 2021! It will be the invitation piece for my upcoming March exhibition at Kneeland Gallery in Sun Valley, Idaho.
Below is a quick Instagram Reels which shows some up-close views of me creating, “New Beginnings!” I painted this with my Cobra solvent-free oils by Royal Talens with Princeton Brushes.
I wish you much success and positivity in the new year ahead!