Struggling With Your Painting? Turn It Upside Down

Each painting creates its own special set of problems, because each one is its…

Tracking Your Art Inventory and Contacts

As a working artist I know how hard it can be to keep good art inventory…

Art and the Empty Nest

This week, I’m back to an empty nest. My daughter just returned to college…

The Stone Sculpting Process

Since prehistoric times, artists have sought to set free the images that they…

Happy Birthday Fine Art Tips!

This week marks the third anniversary of, so I want to take a…

How Long Did It Take To Paint That?

 If you have ever created anything more complex than a stick figure, you have…

Balancing Parenthood and Your Art Career

Lori McNee and her kids in 2011 It seems a bit ironic to be writing this post…

How to Write a Bio That Gets Read

In this fast-paced world many people suffer from information overload.…

Pricing Your Art

The other day I had a conversation about 'pricing your art' with my friend,…

10 Ways to Expand Your Artistic Repertoire

This guest post is especially relevant for me right now due to the fact that I…