Hang Your Artwork Like a Pro

It’s a fact of life, first impressions matter.  In the art world, galleries…

Favorite Inspiring Art Quotes Throughout the Ages

Collecting quotes has always been a secret hobby of mine. Over the years I have…

Andy Warhol & Nature Pop Art

Although Andy Warhol is best known for his Pop Art, but believe it or…

Gallery Partnership Marketing

A trustworthy business relationship between the gallery and artist is one of…

A Day with the French Impressionists

No Parisian art experience would be complete without a visit to the Musee…

My Day at the Louvre Museum

One of the major highlights of My Tour de France was our fast and furious 5…

My Tour de France – Paris

What a whirlwind trip!  My Tour de France was filled with art museums, plein…

How to Build a Pochade Box from a Cigar Box

POCHADE BOXES are a compact, portable painting studio in a box which work…

How to Write an Artist’s Statement

A well written Artist’s Statement is a must for any professional or aspiring…

The Armchair-Artist

A lot of people dream of being an artist.  Maybe you are one of those people…