Genuine individuals like Melody Lea Lamb help to make the competive art world a kinder place. Melody is an avid social media user who’s positivity is infectious. She is an award winning children’s book illustrator who also specializes in miniatures art of animals as wells as fantasy. She works primarily in colored pencil, watercolor and India ink.
Recently, Melody won the 1st Place, Gold Medal in the 2010 Next Generation Indie Book Awards for her illustrations in a children’s book, Moonlight Memoirs. Melody lives in New England, United States along with her husband and two teenage kids. It is a pleasure for me to introduce you to Melody Lea Lamb.
“PowerArtists are the social media ‘rockstars’ of the art world! Not only are they talented creatives, but they understand how to harness the power of social media and use it to promote their art careers. #PowerArtists are inspiring and freely share their knowledge with others.”
“Is Melody Lea Lamb an artist who can also talk to animals—or a lover of fur and paws who also draws like a dream? Her fans can’t tell where one gift ends and another begins. All they know is that the combination has led to some pretty interesting life circumstances, from teaching art in a chicken coop to composing watercolors on horseback. And that may also be why Melody’s renderings of fairies and forest vistas seem as alive as her portraits of horses and cats. All creatures great or small, real or imaginary, inspire Melody’s brush.” ~Written by Melody’s sister.
Describe a typical day in the life of a #PowerArtist:
My typical day begins with a 5:30 wake up and coffee by the wood stove with hubby before he heads off to work. Then I multi-task between social networking on Twitter and Facebook, and getting my teenagers up, fed and delivered to their different schools.
My dog and I then usually go for a long run (I’m training for my second “Run for the Critters” race in May) and I get down to work on my business.
Normally the first order of my business day is packing and shipping art. I really enjoy sending out my art and take extra time to make each order special with extra goodies enclosed in the packages.
I’ve found that I absolutely must schedule my work day (I use Google calendar) and then follow my schedule to the best of my ability. I schedule time to paint, to work on my various online shops and time help promote my Art for Critters group.
Early afternoon is all about my kiddos, dinner, homework, etc. Finally, I wrap up my day with quiet time on the couch, cats and laptop purring (more social networking) and hubby beside me catching the news.
Give an example of how you use social media to promote your art career:
I’ve found a combination of providing valuable information (on Twitter and Facebook) with thoughtfully and sparsely placed self promotion works very well for me. Its about 90% value, assisting and promoting others, interesting links…then 10% self promotion!

If you could meet any artist: past, present, or future, who would it be and why?
Claude Monet and Robert Bateman Because I adore their work for two very different reasons!
- Monet because I respect and admire his ability to capture the feel of his beautiful gardens in the loose vibrant impressionism.
- Robert Bateman because I think he is one of the greatest wildlife artist of his time.

If your art could be displayed anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
I thought a lot about this. Since I am painting mostly tiny little works of art that are affordable and easily kept-displayed, I’d like one piece of art in the home of every interested person on the globe!
What sage advice would you give an artist who is just starting out in his/her career?
Follow your heart, don’t get discouraged, keep an open mind, and stay humble!

As a #PowerArtist, what do you do to ‘give back’ or ‘pay it forward’ to your community?
Top of the list for my “pay it forward” is the Art for Critters group that I co-lead. We are 35 artists who have donated $50,692 to animal charity since 2006. I also am training to run my second “Run for the Critters” which I will do in May. Last year I personally raised $1500. for animal charity on my Race for the Critters! I also delight in promoting other artists which I try to do daily on Twitter.
Thank you to Melody for sharing her inspiring story that embodies the essence of a true #PowerArtist! ~Lori
Be sure and visit Melody’s websites, blogs and social media networks: (Gift Shop) (Esty)
You might like to check out these other great articles and interviews:
A Dynamic Animal Portrait Oil Painting Demo by Phil Beck
How to Paint Iridescent Bird Feathers & Make Them Glow
Tips for Painting Animal Fur: Monkey Demo
#PowerArtists Interview with Muralist & Community Activist, Kelli Bickman
#PowerArtists Interview with Maritime Painter, Annie Strack
#PowerArtists Interview with Painter and Sculptor, Robert Girandola
Why Artists Should use Youtube Video Marketing
#PowerArtists Interview with Multimedia Painter, Robin Pedrero
5 Common Traits of Successful Artists
The Importance of Value and Tone in Painting
Selling Art on Facebook: One Artist’s Way
PS. Let’s meet on Facebook and Twitter!
PSS. You might like to check out these great instructional books by North Light Books: Watercolorists Answer Book and Keys to Painting Fur & Feathers
What an honor and privilege, Lori, thank you so much!
I am honored to be able to work with wonderful artists like yourself. Thank you again for sharing your story with us here.
My best-
Melody this interview was great and I loved your advice “Follow your heart, don’t get discouraged, keep an open mind, and stay humble!” xoxo
Yes, that is great advice. Thanks for sharing a comment here Claudia.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read my interview and for stopping by Lori’s site, Claudia!
What a wonderful feature! I love not only Melody’s charming paintings, but also her beautiful and kind spirit! Although we have never met in person, we have become wonderful friends via social media. She is always there to support and give an optimistic view. Melody and I are determined we will someday have a cup of tea together in person! Cheers!
Hello Debbie-
It is nice to see you here on my blog! Yes, I really enjoyed Melody’s interview. She is a kind hearted person and that shines through her artwork. I hope we all meet someday.
Cheers back-
Awe, thank you, my sweet and dear friend, Debbie. Our friendship via the internet has blossomed and grown like a precious rose. ((Many many hugs))
Lori, thank you for those sweet words!
Here is to all of us chatting together over hot cups of tea someday.
Hi Lori,
That would be wonderful! You, Melody and I having a nice chat over tea! I love your blog Lori and all your great tips and info! Thanks for being so generous! 😀
Hi Debbie-
It is wonderful seeing you here on my blog! Thanks for the comment. I am happy you are enjoying the articles and interviews.
Hi Lori,
this is a wonderful interview, so nice you have Melody on your blog this week. Her artwork is so beautiful and so nicely done in detail, it just amazes me because I am not a “detail” artist, I wouldn’t have the patience 🙂 Oh, I and I would love to have a cup of tea with Monet..
Glad I got to know more about Melody, very inspiring,
Franziska San Pedro
The Abstract Impressionist Artress
Thanks so much Franziska! You can include me with that Monet cup of tea, along with Debbie and Lori I’m sure. 🙂
Hi again Franziska-
I am behind on replies this week! Melody was a charm to interview. I am glad you enjoyed getting to know her. I would love to have tea with Monet too…that sounds wonderful.
Take care-
So nice of you Lori to have made that article on
Melody, enjoyed it much as you and Melody
are the best in your field
Sincerely Michel
Hi Michel!
What a treat to see you on my blog! I am glad you enjoyed Melody’s interview. Thank you for the nice words. See you on Twitter!
Warm regards-
Hi Michel! Its a pleasure and an honor for me to see you here as well. Your photographic gems have always inspired me.
Hi Melody! Great interview and it’s so nice to see pics of you in your “natural habitat” : )
I’m sending you big support too for your “Run for the Critters” race participation. I love my animals too. You go girl!!
Thanks for sharing more about yourself with us, you’ve always been such a sweetie on twitter, now it’s cool to know even more.
Thanks so much Alissa! I loved that: “natural habitat” *chuckles* very cute.
Thanks also for your support in my Run for the Critters! I’m excited to do this fundraiser again, last year was SUCH a resounding success. See you over on Twitter.
~Melody @MelodyLeaLamb